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Proud mommy/teacher moment

My oldest daughter is in the Homeschool 4-H club in our area and I required her to write a speech. She whined and complained because she didn't want to do it. She is not too keen on writing. But its one of those things - she needs to learn and this mama knows it.

After writing her speech and saying it, she told me, "I'm glad I did it now. This may be fun." That was the first of the proud moments in pushing her to do something she didn't want to do. When it was time to say her speech to the homeschool group - there were kids of all ages in the room. She said her speech with kids of all ages in this group. She did a fantastic job. Lo and behold, she surprised herself and won 1st place and got a ribbon to move onto the Sub-County round.

This picture is taken of her before that moment of winning first among homeschoolers.

Then we were off to the Sub-County round at a local community college. She was nervous, the crowd was much bigger this time. She went from being judged by one judge to being judged by three judges. She was up against a lot of 1st place winners of local area schools and she had a lot riding on this one. She knew that she was representing all homeschoolers, as she was reminded by her teacher (aka me) and her 4-H leader (also a homeschool mom). We sat through an hour of listening to the speeches and Kylee even got a little jumbled up on hers - you could tell she was nervous. The night was coming to a close as the judges went out of the room to determine the winners and who would end up going to the County round. As they came back to the room, they called all the speakers to the front to get trophies, ribbons, etc. The first name they call for 1st place was my daughter! We were just as surprised as she was - I think I even had tears. There were a lot of good speakers, but I was so proud. So it looks like we will be moving on to the County round next month.

These pictures are taken at the Sub-County round. The first picture is her with her Nana and she was the 5th speaker - number 5 is her "lucky number".


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