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Jesus Wept...

The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus Wept." A lot of us already know that. But what does it mean? We know the story. Its when Jesus came to the tomb of his friend, Lazurus. Even though Jesus knew in a matter of seconds that He was going to raise Lazurus from the dead...He stood at the tomb with Mary and Martha and He wept. Why would He cry for that? Why would He cry when He knew He could fix everything?

He was crying because He felt the pain of what Lazurus' sisters were going through. He cried because the fear that Lazurus must have felt right before he was dying. He cried because of all the pain that everyone felt. He felt that pain, too.

Jesus wept. Jesus cried! I believe He did it to show us that God knows our pain, shares our pain. Every tear we cry - He knows it. Why? He loves us. The depth of His love is so much that I don't think I can even understand. I often think of my husband's love for me and his children and my love for him and my children. It's that unconditional love. There's so many times when I feel my husband's love for me and think, "Wow - I've never had someone love me this much." And then I start to think..."Wow - God's love is greater than this!" That's amazing! God shares our hurts and our struggles. I just find that amazing.

I shared this because my husband and I have been searching and seeking direction for our family and our children. When I was a little girl in church I don't think I grasped what "Jesus wept" truly meant. I just knew it was the shortest verse in the Bible. I want to teach my children what it really meant when Jesus wept. We're starting a new journey in our household. My husband has started the "COURAGEOUS" effort and we want to make sure that we aren't just pouring Bible verses into our children, but that we are showing our children how to SEEK God's word and LIVE God's word in EVERYTHING we do.

Choose this day whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15


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