I've not posted very much this year, probably because this year we've been so relaxed with our schooling and the girls have been very independent that there has really not been much that I could think to write on. Plus, with my girls being so much more independent I've been working more with my photography business. My oldest also has her first job and we just stay super busy. However, in looking back where I was a year and a half ago to today I started to think about our journey and where it's gotten us. In previous posts, you will have seen where we stopped doing school completely. My kids didn't stop learning, but the textbooks stopped. We gained SO much from that 7 months that are beyond all textbooks. You can read on our previous journey on the links below. We Quit School Child Led Learning in JUST the First Week What If We Trust? There's Value in Being Relaxed Today I decided that I wanted to talk about more than what this journey did with our s...